“The content is great – concise, engaging, and superbly written – and it clearly articulates the value we bring to our customers.”

Anisha Mason, Partner,
Project Solutions Group

Are your salespeople getting what they really need –
or what your marketing department thinks they need?

According to the American Marketing Association, nearly 90% of marketing-generated collateral goes unused in the field.  This points to a significant disconnect between sales and marketing, as companies struggle to balance their strategic branding and messaging interests with sales’ need for tactical information to support customer buying decisions.




At G2G, we work with you to close this gap, bringing sales and marketing back together through targeted consulting and content development solutions:

  • Define it:  Content review and gap analysis services to help you locate and align the best sales and marketing content in your organization.
  • Develop it:  Custom-written, best-practice content for sales proposals, knowledge bases, case studies, solution briefs, and more.
  • Put it to work:  Knowledge base design and development, content training, and other specialized consulting services to help you get your content into the field quickly and easily.

The result?  High quality, objectives-based content that has a measurable impact on sales effectiveness.
